PSC 4300 Aqua-Shield
Is an environmentally friendly acrylic elastomeric coating that forms a long lasting, protective rubbery surface.
- Nonnoxious and nontoxic liquids, with minimal VOC’s. Safe for sealing grain bins, coat farm buildings and animal shelters.
- For larger cracks and expansion joints use PSC 4320 Agri-Shield Butyloid Caulk and PSC 4330 Reinforcing Fabric.
- To repair large holes or uneven surfaces in concrete use PSC 26xx PolyRock.
– Seal and waterproof grain bins.
– Seal RV and trailer roofs.
– To coat roofs and walls of animal shelters and farm buildings, reducing heat build up.
– Waterproof metal roofs.
– Waterproof and decorate stucco and block walls.
– A single product for waterproofing wood, plywood, OSB, concrete, galvanized steel, previous asphalt coatings, shingles and urethane foam.
– Excellent elongation properties and low temperature flexibility.
– Bridges small gaps.
– Provides a long lasting rubbery surface.
– High solids content.
– Non-flammable, non-toxic.
– Resists UV damage, acid rain and mildew.
– Environmentally friendly.
– Highly alkaline resistant.
– Inhibits micro bacterial or algae growth.